Femmes en france

Démocratie et exclusion des femmes en France. Sophie Wahnich. Référence(s): Paris, Gallimard, «Folio histoire», , p. (l'édition originale publiée en.
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  1. Histoire De Léducation Des Femmes En France / Par Paul Rousselot.
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    Compartir Tweet. La politique de partage du travail, en dépit de ses intentions louables, contribue à accentuer les clivages non seulement entre hommes et femmes mais aussi entre femmes. Over the past fifteen years, a model of women's labour force participation has been reinforced, based on the declining social value of domestic work and the substitution of paid work as the preferred means of social integration.

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    The norm of continuous paid employment has been imposed on most women in France. But the progress of this model has been hindered by job shortages during a period of crisis in employment. Paradoxically, while women have benefited from rare cases of job creation since the s, their situation has not significantly improved; on the contrary, new gaps have replaced old divisions.

    Women are especially affected by unemployment and precariousness in employment status and working conditions. Part-time work is one of the instruments of this precariousness, at the intersection of company policies of flexibility and public action against unemployment and exclusion. The policy of job sharing, despite its commendable aims, is helping to accentuate gaps not only between men and women, but also among women.

    En los ûltimos quince anos se ha consolidado un modelo de la actividad profesional de las mujeres.