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We look forward to the completed transfer of your payment. If there is any other required information or assistance please contact us at the number provided for the UBA Benin payment processing Dept. One have to be very careful as scam has taken over the internet to defraud innocent citizens, this has made it very difficult for people to believe anything that comes through the internet.

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If you are honest and can be trusted, I think we can work together on this project. Raymond Odierno, from the U. Army; Among those deployed from Iraq, I really need your help in assisting me with the safe keeping of my funds which was moved to a private Security Company from Iraq. I hope you can be trusted? Though, I would like to hold back some information for security reasons for now until you find time to visit the BBC website stated below to enable you have an insight of what I intend sharing with you, believing that it would be of your desired interest. I must say that I am very uncomfortable sending this message to you without knowing truly if you will misunderstand the importance of this letter and decides to go public.

Your data will be stored only for as long as you are subscribed to the e-mailing. You can exercise the right to access, limitation, portability, complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Authority, rectification, cancellation and opposition of your data or to receiving the e-mailing the via the e-mail lopd primaverasound.

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  • Resolution 1 DSS Management and Operation Charges 25-06-2018.

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